I Have a Dream-Ben, Year 8


I Have a Dream…

That one day, people will come to their senses and see that a gay man or a black man isn’t any different than a straight man or a white man. I stand for the equality of all men and women; it doesn’t matter if they are a different race, religion, gender or sexuality, THEY ARE ALL EQUAL!

I have a dream today!

I have a dream for people like Rosa Parks and Nelson Mandela to stand up for the minorities that have been suffering for centuries through the hands of oppressors. We owe it to these strong individuals that have overcome adversity to fight for what is right.

I have a dream that George Floyd’s story will empower those who have been marching in his memory and will make police officers realise that treating someone different and killing them because of the colour of their skin is wrong. I stand by the removal of a belief system that one person is more powerful, more privileged and more superior than another. There should never be an alpha male of races.

I have a dream today!

I have a dream that women will not be seen as objects and mocked for their weakness but seen for how powerful they are. Women have not been placed on this earth to serve men and are individuals that deserve equal rights. I stand with the suffragettes that fought and were killed for women’s rights.

I have a dream that women will not be abused for the clothes they wear and the way they look, and that women won’t be harmed by their partners.

I have a dream today!

I have a dream that children who come out to their parents wont be abused for being unique, and that children won’t be abused by anyone.

I have a dream that during my lifetime I will make a dent in the world of discrimination. I hope that instead of people seeing one’s differences they see what’s on the inside and judge people on their actions and not their appearance.

I have a dream!

3 thoughts on “I Have a Dream-Ben, Year 8

  1. Great piece of writing Ben! I recently bought some Little People Big Dreams books for my three children, we got the Rosa Parks one and Martin Luther King. Next on our list is Nelson Mandela!


  2. Great work, Ben, as always. A thought-provoking read. I hope people stop and think about things after what has happened recently.

    Well done.


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